January 13th, 2020
TFOC President Dawn Soto, Twin Falls Optimist Foundation President Barry Knoblich, and Youth House Executive Director Jared Sorenson showing our gratitude to our guests Mike Hamblin (blue shirt) and Terry Downs (black coat) for their generous contributions from the Men’s Association of Blue Lakes Country Club ($1,900), and Modern Woodmen ($1,000).
January 16, 2020
Committee Reports
Lost Wages – Kathleen Hale treated us to a slide show of neat pix from last year’s very successful event. The LW committee meets regularly on Wednesdays at 5:15-6:30 at Canyon Crest Dining and Event Center. Kathleen said they can still use more participants and great ideas! She passed around sign-up sheets for various activities, and will continue to do so at upcoming meetings. We need lotsa volunteers, a coupla cashiers, and a co-chair for LeeAnn Cline on the silent auction. We’re thinking we set the price way too low ($100!!) for our 21 table sponsors last year, given all the publicity/advertising they get from having their name prominently displayed on their tables. We’ll be looking for lots of donated items for our silent auction again this year, and for the Egg Game, run by Tracy and Barry Knoblich (very popular event… last year, all 50 tix sold in seven minutes!) Lower value items can/will be combined into baskets. Speaking of which, we need baskets for the silent auction; if you can’t give a basket, said Dawn, go out and get one! This is a fun way to get involved in planning our biggest fundraiser of the year. All are welcome. The event will be on March 14 from 7-10 p.m. at the Canyon Crest Dining and Event Center.
Ronald McDonald House – the ribbon-cutting will take place at 11:00 p.m. on February 1st, in Boise. Some members plan to carpool up and back, so if you’d like to participate, please contact either Dennis Bowyer or Dawn Soto.
Membership – we inducted new member Cherie Vollmer, Robin Stanhope doing the honors along with President Dawn Soto.
New Member Cherie Vollmer, flanked by President Dawn Soto and “Inductor” Robin Stanhope!
Our honored guests this week were Kursten Robbins and Faith (LeeAnn Cline), Mike Hamblin and Terry Downs (Barry Knoblich), and John (Jeremy Black).
“Raindrops” by Mrs. Minot Carter, published @ November 10, 1922, in the Indian Leader. Minot Carter was born around 1878. She lived in Los Molinos, California, when an acquaintance sent two poems of hers to the Indian Leader.
Have you heard the raindrops
On a field of corn,
Pattering ov’r the green leaves
Dusty and forlorn?
Did you ever fancy
They were little feet
Hurrying out with water
Thirsty ones to meet?
Have you seen the raindrops
Falling on the lake?
How they flash and sparkle
Tiny splashes make.
Did you ever fancy
They were diamonds rare
Scattered by an aeroplane
Sailing through the air?
Put these Optimist Events on Your Calendar!
- Ribbon cutting for the new Ronald McDonald house in Boise – February 1, at 11:00
- Lost Wages – March 14 at Canyon Crest 7-10 PM